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Advanced Basketry Kits

Each basketry kit contains the pattern and all of the parts required to make the basket (black ash splint stakes and weavers, handles, rims, etc). The mold is not included in the kit, but most molds are used to create several different baskets.  Click here to see the molds for sale.


Generally, kits are arranged on this page from easier to more difficult.


To place an order: complete the order form and mail it with a check to JoAnn Kelly Catsos, 29 Kellys Maple Ridge, Halcott Center, NY 12430 . Orders of splint and catalog items may be combined on the same order form. Contact JoAnn with questions.

Cloverleaf Bowl

This is the first, and the smallest in the quadrafoil bowl series.  The quadrafoil twill is striking due to the darker heartwood stakes, white sapwood weavers and the cherry center stakes and rims. The clear written instructions are helpful, but the smaller size makes this a bit more challenging

  • Dimensions: 4 1/4" diameter x 2" deep

  • This basket uses the 4" Mushroom Mold 

Complete Basket Kit: $60

Pattern: $5

Cherry Stakes and Rims: $14

Quadrafoil Lidded Cathead

This basket is based upon an antique Shaker basket at the Fruitlands Museum in Harvard, MA.  Although smaller than the original, it contains the same classic design elements- a cathead bottom, bonnet handle and the quadrafoil twill pattern on the captured lid.  The written instructions for the twill pattern are clear.  Two different molds are used for the lid and the body.  Assembling the two parts of the basket is a challenge, but the finished basket is worth it.

  • Dimensions: 6 1/2" diameter x 8 1/2" tall including handle

  • This basket uses the 6" Mushroom Mold AND the 6" Cathead Mold

Complete Basket Kit: $135

Pattern: $6

Handle and Rims: $28

Small Sewing Basket with Quadrafoil Lid

This basket combines a low cathead bottom with a quadrafoil lid, and is made on two different molds - just like the Quadrafoil Lidded Cathead.  The written instructions for the quadrafoil twill pattern are clear and concise.  The method of fitting the lid is to remove the cathead bottom from the mold and shape the stakes to a slight potbelly shape. 

  • Dimensions: 6 1/2" diameter x 6" deep 

  • This basket uses the 6" Mushroom Mold AND the 6" Cathead Mold

Complete Basket Kit: $125

Pattern: $6

Rims: $16

Button Basket

This is the smaller version of the Quadrafoil Lidded Sewing Basket. It  combines a low cathead bottom and quadrafoil lid, and is made on two different molds. The  quadrafoil twill instructions are clear and concise.  The method of fitting the lid is to remove the cathead bottom from the mold and shape the stakes to a slight potbelly shape. The smaller size makes this a bit more challenging.

  • Dimensions: 4 1/4" diameter x 3" deep 

  • This basket uses the 4" Mushroom Mold AND the 4" Cathead Mold

Complete Basket Kit: $100

Pattern: $5

Rims: $14


This is the smaller version of the Quadrafoil Lidded Cathead, with the cathead bottom and attached quadrafoil twill lid. It also uses two different molds.  The written instructions for the quadrafoil twill pattern are clear.  This is more challenging than the larger due to theattention to detail

  • Dimensions: 4 1/4" diameter x 3" deep 

  • This basket uses the 4" Mushroom Mold AND the 4" Cathead Mold

Complete Basket Kit: $115

Pattern: $6

Handle and Rims: $24

Shaker Fancy Tray

This delicate basket is a reproduction of a rare antique Shaker basket in my private collection.  It is constructed like the original, with the addition of the small handles.  The small size of the weavers and the narrow rim makes this the most challenging basket made on this Shaker Tray Mold.

  • Dimensions: 12" long x 5" wide x 2" high

  • This basket uses the Shaker Tray Mold 

Complete Basket Kit: $115

Pattern: $5

Handles and Rims: $26

Cheese Weave Bottom Tub

The hexagonal weave, a.k.a. the cheese basket weave in the bottom of this tub transitions to plain weave on the sides.  The hexagonal weave is the challenge, and the delicate stakes and weavers demand precision.

  • Dimensions: 6 1/2" diameter x 2" deep

  • This basket uses the 6" Tub Mold 

Complete Basket Kit: $80

Pattern: $6

Rims: $10

Scissor Case

Originally woven of black ash and fragrant sweetgrass by Native American basketmakers in New England,  this scissor case is woven of finely prepared black ash splint over a wooden mold.  Due to the small size of the material, precision and patience is suggested.  A pair of 3 ½” long scissors will fit perfectly.  Scissors sold separately.

  • Dimensions: 3" deep - (4" tall with handle)

  • This basket uses the Scissor Case Mold

Complete Scissor Case Kit: $35

Pattern: $5

Scissors: $10

Quadrafoil Tub

This lovely basket is based upon an antique Shaker quadrafoil tub basket thought to have been made at the Mount Lebanon, NY Shaker community.  The delicately woven quadrafoil twill pattern is the focal point of the basket’s bottom, with the sides being plain weave. The written instructions are clear, but this basket requires experience, patience and a gentle touch

  • Dimensions: 6 1/2" diameter x 2 " deep (2 3/4" with handles)

  • This basket uses the 6" Tub Mold 

Complete Basket Kit: $115

Pattern: $6

Handles and Rims: $18

Snowflake Bowl

JoAnn's own design, the "octofoil" or 8-point twill on this shallow cathead bowl was developed from the quadrafoil twill pattern. Resembling a snowflake, the twill pattern is highlighted due to the contrast between the darker heartwood stakes and the whiter sapwood weavers.   The written instructions are clear, but this basket requires patience and prior quadrafoil twill experience.

  • Dimensions: 9 1/2" diameter x 3" deep 

  • This basket uses the 9" Mushroom Mold 

Complete Basket Kit: $130

Pattern: $6

Rims: $16

Quadrafoil Medallion

This stunning piece of art is a smaller version of the ornament JoAnn wove for the White House Blue Room Christmas Tree in 1999.  Made of heartwood and sapwood, the focal point is the quadrafoil twill.  Woven flat on a table, this medallion is finished with a saw tooth rim.  The written instructions are clear, but this  requires quadrafoil experience and a delicate touch.

  • Dimensions: 6 1/2" diameter 

Complete Kit: $85

Pattern: $6

Lidded Knife Basket

This lovely basket is based upon an antique Shaker basket woven at the Mt. Lebanon community in MA.  The basket body is identical to the
Knife Basket. The 2 piece lid is woven in a modified quadrafoil twill. and completed with a sawtooth edge treatment, like the original. Weaving the lid to fit on the rim requires precision and prior quadrafoil experience.

  • Dimensions: 8" long x 5" wide x 3' deep (5 1/2" with handle)

  • This basket uses the 8" Knife Mold

Complete Basket Kit: $145

Pattern: $6

Handle, Rims and Stretcher Bar: $30

Kittenhead Trio.tif

Shaker Kittenhead Trio

Shaped like the larger Shaker cathead baskets, these smaller versions woven of finely prepared black ash splint, are called kittenheads and feature the same pointed feet or cat ears.  The three baskets in this set graduate in size from approximately one inch to four inches in diameter and nest inside each another.  Featuring high arched maple handles, when tied together they make the perfect display.

  • Dimensions: 1 1/4" diameter x 1 1/2" tall; 2 3/4" diameter x 3" tall; and 4 1/4" diameter x 6" tall

  • These baskets are woven over the 1" kittenhead, 2 1/2" kittenhead and 4" kittenhead molds

Complete Basket Kit for 3 baskets: $170

Pattern: $6

Small Elegance

This elegant shallow cathead bowl was originally inspired by the quadrafoil, or four point twill design found in antique Shaker baskets.  While weaving the quadrafoil twill pattern takes concentration, the written instructions explain each step clearly.  

  • Dimensions: 6 1/2" diameter x 2" deep

  • This basket uses the 6" Mushroom Mold 

Complete Basket Kit: $75

Pattern: $5

Rims: $10


This is the largest in the quadrafoil bowl series, being the big brother to the Small Elegance and Cloverleaf Bowl.  It sports the same elegant quadrafoil twill, and the written instructions are clear and concise. 

  • Dimensions: 9 1/2" diameter x 3" deep

  • This basket uses the 9" Mushroom Mold 

Complete Basket Kit: $110

Pattern: $6

Rims: $10

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©2023 JoAnn Kelly Catsos

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